Monday, February 13, 2012

C4T Summary

The teacher who I've been assigned to comment on is Mr. Tom Schimmer. He's been an educator for over 20 years, so he really knows what he's talking about!

His first blog that I commented on was actually a podcast. It focused on the acceptance of a new idea. He explained that there are many steps that an idea goes through before it is accepted by the public, rather than being one single action. He actually compares it to a virus, saying that it has to go through all the filters before it has spread successfully. He also mentioned that answering the ridicule that the idea receives with more ridicule of your own is quite unprofessional and will most likely turn people away from what you are trying to accomplish. Ridicule from others, when received in the right way, will actually draw attention to the idea and make it known to more people.

Mr. Schimmer's second blog was also a podcast. In this, he further explains how to help make an idea successful by focusing on yourself. He explains that many people are so focused on their idea and their version of what is the right way to do something that they not only disagree with other people, but also discredit them. He says that this is no way to get your idea accepted, but rather a way to get people to hate you. Even if the idea is a good one, the owner of the idea has to be accepted, in a way, as well. If they don't like you, most likely your idea won't be on the top of their list either, and they'll probably try to convince others of that as well. Discredit them, and they'll discredit you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha
    Mr.Schimmer seems to understand how to focus on one's self while introducing a new idea. I am interested in watching his podcast. It seems like you got some pointers from him. Good job on producing these summaries, but I would add one thing. I would add the links to the podcasts, that way we can go directly to them. Good Post!
